Mount Seymour of the Apes.

After catching up with the first two ‘Planet of the Apes’ movies (‘Rise of…’ and ‘Dawn of…’) on TV we went to see the third (‘War for…’) at the cinema. Opted for 2D; high action in 3D can make me feel a bit queasy. The film is told from the perspective of the Apes so it is interesting that nothing beyond what they physically encounter is known about: Are there other apes/humans on the planet? Who is in charge? The film was a lot less ‘war’ than I was expecting, and that’s a good thing.

Overall a very good film, but that’s not why I’m writing about it on my ski blog! The Apes followed what they thought was a human thief to a Ski Resort.
Searching online I discovered that the film was shot around Vancouver and the consensus seems to be that the ski resort used was Mount Seymour; not one I’d heard of, and not one on our Piste-Maps website!
Need to do something about that; so I have; here is the Mount Seymour Ski Trail Map on Piste-Maps.
Unless you happen to be in and around Vancouver, Mount Seymour ski resort probably isn’t worth making a special trip for.
With 5 lifts and 39 runs it would keep an intermediate skier interested for a day or two. There might be more to it though; certainly in the Planet of the Apes movie, and as evidenced by the promo video below, lots of the snowy terrain looked like it would be good fun to ski through; I may have to go to find out.
The family that run Mount Seymour also have a reciprocal ski pass deal with three other small ski resorts in the area, so a good ski road trip might work out.

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1 Response
[…] Black Lake. It is a Swedish thriller set in an abandoned ski resort; this must be the new thing; ‘War for Planet of the Apes’ had the same […]