Give Ski Lifts a miss, try the Zermatt Suspension Bridge.

If you are in Zermatt and fancy a day off skiing, but have plenty of energy, and all the right kit. You could do worse than skip the ski lifts and take a trek along the Charles Kuonen suspension bridge.
Along the length of the 494m bridge the views of some of Switzerland’s highest peaks are truly stunning. These include the Matterhorn, the Weisshorn and the Bernese Alps.
Europaweg Trek.
This pedestrian suspension bridge is part of the Europaweg and is currently the longest in the world. It stretches between Grächen and Zermatt and traverses above the deepest valley in Switzerland. The Europaweg itself runs between 1,600m and 2,200m above sea level.
The bridge may take only 10 minutes or so to walk across. However, the hike from Grächen to Zermatt is a 2-dayer. If it is winter you should have winter mountaineering gear and check the weather before heading out. A shorter option is to trek up from Randa.
In winter, sticking to skiing from ski lifts is more common as the trek is a serious undertaking, but could be done in a day.
Swiss Engineered Suspension Bridge above Zermatt.
The Charles Kuonen suspension bridge was erected by Lauber Seilbahnen AG in only 10 weeks in spring 2017.

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Image courtesy of Zermatt Tourism; © Valentin Flauraud