Driving to Ski Resorts; Destination Austria.

I Like Driving in My Car; It’s Not Quite a Jaguar.
pop quiz: the lyric above is from what song and artist? clue: are you mad or suggs?
After the ski season most of us have not had, many are considering their options for next season. Many are considering whether air travel is going to be a good idea, hence the idea of driving to ski resorts is being thrown around. Usually when we travel from the UK to an Austrian ski resort we drive; we find that having a car is extremely useful for us to get around to different resorts as the mood takes us.
Of course, what this does mean is that our journey to and from the Alps involves an overnight stay somewhere in the heart of continental Europe. Dependent upon whether day 1 or day 2 is the long day and whether it is the outward or the return leg determines where we stay; Calais, Dunkirk, Lille, Brussels, Aachen, Frankfurt, Cologne, Bonn, Mannheim…

When heading to an Austrian ski resort we usually do the majority of driving through Germany. The roads are good and, critically, there are no tolls. Driving through France, unless you have two or three extra days to spare, will add around Euro 100 to each single trip.
When we stay overnight we usually book via Booking.Com. We do find that not all hotels list all their room availability on the site, but if you are choosing based on customer reviews and you know the general geographical area where you need a bed; there is usually plenty to choose from at a good price.
Without beating about the bush any further. Booking.Com has offered me a £15 credit every time someone clicks one of their links in this article and subsequently books a room via the site. They will also give you a £15 credit.
When driving to ski resorts you should also make sure your car is suitable and you road legal and are prepared for the weather and road conditions you will probably encounter.
Of all the hotel booking sites, I do find Booking.Com the easiest to use and it usually has excellent availability of hotels and rooms in the places I want to stay; I recommend it.

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